Hello, and welcome to my blog! This blog is strictly about Organelles- what they are, where they are, and what they do- for my science project. Please, feel free to let me know if I have any mistakes or if you have any helpful ideas. Thanks for reading :)

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Extra Information

If you need any extra information, these are a few helpful websites:





And also, check out my friend Allyssa's blog:



Here are labeled diagrams of both the plant and animal cells:


This diagram shows all the organelles in the plant cell.

This diagram shows all the organelles in the animal cell.

13- The Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)

The smooth ER and rough ER are like a "mailroom" because their main job is to collect, maintain, and transport things. They are located in the cytoplasm of both plant and animal cells.


My Example:

I believe the ERs are like a mailroom because they collect, maintain, and transport, like a mailroom collects mail, maintains it, and then transports it to the recipient.

12- The Ribosomes

The ribosomes are like the "chefs" of the cell, because they make the 'food' (protein) that the cell needs. They can be found on the ER (rough ER) or in the cytoplasm of both plant and animal cells.


My Example:

I think the ribosomes are like the chefs because they make the protein that helps the cell run properly and live, like chefs making food so we can run properly and live.

11- The Centrioles

The centrioles are like a "knife", because they are used in cell division as knifes are used in food division. They are in the cytoplasm in only animal cells.


My Example:

I thought that the centrioles were like a knife because it is used in the division of cells, and knifes divide food like cake.

10- The Chloroplast

I believe the chloroplast is like the "NC State Fair" of the cell because it's where stuff (photosynthesis) happens and it's what makes things (plants) green. It is only in the plant cell, located in the cytoplasm.


My Example:

I believe the chloroplast is like the State Fair because it's where a lot of cool things happen, like fireworks and fun rides, and if you ride too many rides or eat too much food (or both) you get a little green.

9- The Vacuole

The vacuole is like a "container", as it contains the things the cell needs but saves for later usage. It is in both plant and animal cells, but it is more important to plants so they can hold water. Located in the cytoplasm.


My Example:

I believe the vacuole is like a container because it holds needed things for later, like water. The plant cell needs it more, because it needs water to grow and live. If plants didn't have vacuoles, the plant would die.