Hello, and welcome to my blog! This blog is strictly about Organelles- what they are, where they are, and what they do- for my science project. Please, feel free to let me know if I have any mistakes or if you have any helpful ideas. Thanks for reading :)

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Extra Information

If you need any extra information, these are a few helpful websites:





And also, check out my friend Allyssa's blog:



Here are labeled diagrams of both the plant and animal cells:


This diagram shows all the organelles in the plant cell.

This diagram shows all the organelles in the animal cell.

13- The Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)

The smooth ER and rough ER are like a "mailroom" because their main job is to collect, maintain, and transport things. They are located in the cytoplasm of both plant and animal cells.


My Example:

I believe the ERs are like a mailroom because they collect, maintain, and transport, like a mailroom collects mail, maintains it, and then transports it to the recipient.

12- The Ribosomes

The ribosomes are like the "chefs" of the cell, because they make the 'food' (protein) that the cell needs. They can be found on the ER (rough ER) or in the cytoplasm of both plant and animal cells.


My Example:

I think the ribosomes are like the chefs because they make the protein that helps the cell run properly and live, like chefs making food so we can run properly and live.

11- The Centrioles

The centrioles are like a "knife", because they are used in cell division as knifes are used in food division. They are in the cytoplasm in only animal cells.


My Example:

I thought that the centrioles were like a knife because it is used in the division of cells, and knifes divide food like cake.

10- The Chloroplast

I believe the chloroplast is like the "NC State Fair" of the cell because it's where stuff (photosynthesis) happens and it's what makes things (plants) green. It is only in the plant cell, located in the cytoplasm.


My Example:

I believe the chloroplast is like the State Fair because it's where a lot of cool things happen, like fireworks and fun rides, and if you ride too many rides or eat too much food (or both) you get a little green.

9- The Vacuole

The vacuole is like a "container", as it contains the things the cell needs but saves for later usage. It is in both plant and animal cells, but it is more important to plants so they can hold water. Located in the cytoplasm.


My Example:

I believe the vacuole is like a container because it holds needed things for later, like water. The plant cell needs it more, because it needs water to grow and live. If plants didn't have vacuoles, the plant would die.

8- The Cell Wall

The cell wall is like a "rubber band" around the plant cell, giving it the shape and support it needs. It is only in plant cells, around the very outside edge.


My Example:

The cell wall is like a rubber band because it gives shape and support. It would have to be flexible enough to surround the cell to give it a unique shape, and strong enough and stable enough to support it.

Friday, October 12, 2012

7- The Cytoplasm

The cytoplasm is like a "jello" substance that fills up all empty spaces. It is located in both plant and animal cells, wherever there is no body or life-form.


My Example:

I believe the cytoplasm is like jello, because jello is squishy and can fill up spaces. It's like if you cut a line in it, you can't see the line because the jello folds over and covers the hole, as if "re-stitching" itself. I think cytoplasm does that, too, so there are no empty spaces that would hurt the cell.

6- The Lysosomes

The lysosomes are like the "garbage disposals" of the cell. They break down and destroy the things the cell doesn't need. It is also called a "Suicide Sac". It is located in the cytoplasm of only animal cells.


My Example:

The lysosomes destroy things in the cell (and if they leak, they could kill the cell- hence the name "Suicide Sac") so I used the garbage disposal for example. It destroys things it doesn't need, too.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

5- The Golgi Apparatus

The golgi apparatus gathers and sends things, like wrapping a present and sending it, a "postal office". It is located in the cytoplasm of both plant and animal cells.


My Example:

This picture represents how the golgi apparatus is like a post office. The FedEx vehicle is sent from the main headquarters out to deliver mail and packages.

4- The Mitochondria

The mitochondria (AKA the "power house") is like the "battery" of the cell. It breaks down food into energy that the cell needs. It is located in the cytoplasm of both plant and animal cells.


My Example:

This picture shows what the mitochondria gives the cell- energy- in human form. A car needs a battery to run as a cell needs a mitochondria to run. Car:Battery::Cell:Mitochondria

3- The Cell Membrane

The cell membrane is like the "security" or "police" of the cell. It controls what enters and/or exits. Located around the outside edges, in both plant and animal cells.


My Example:

You can only get through to a building or place (Ex: State Fair) by going through a gate, or security detail. Anything that wants in the cell has to go through the cell membrane.

2- The Nucleolus

The nucleolus is the "recipe book", I guess you could say, of the cell. It gives the recipe for protein to the ribosomes. Located inside the nucleus, it is in both plant and animal cells.


My Example:

The nucleolus is needed to "feed" the cell, as chefs are needed to feed people. It's like if you were at a banquet, you would expect food, right? The nucleolus sends the recipe to the ribosomes, that make the food. So the nucleolus is like a recipe book.

1- The Nucleus

The nucleus is the "brain" of the cell. It controls all cellular activity, telling it what to do and how to do it. It also contains DNA. It is located in the middle of the cytoplasm, in both plant and animal cells.


My Example:

Every living thing needs a brain to function and survive, or we'd all be dead. The nucleus is as important to cells as our brain is to us.

Organelles Purpose/ Functions

Nucleus: controls all cellular activity.
Nucleolus: gives the recipe for protein to the ribosomes.
Cell Membrane: holds the cell together, controls what enters/ exits.
Mitochondria: breaks down food into energy. AKA the "power house"
Golgi Apparatus: gathers/ sends things.
Lysosomes: breaks down/ destroys things it doesn't need. AKA "Suicide Sac"
Cytoplasm: makes up all empty spaces.
Vacuole: stores things that the cell needs.
Chloroplast: where photosynthesis takes place, turns plants green.
Centrioles: used in cell division.
Ribosomes: makes protein.
Rough & Smooth ER: collects and transports.


Welcome to Lily's Blog! This page will be used for my science project on Organelles. I'll post definitions, pictures, examples, anything I can think of to better my knowledge of Organelles. Thanks for visiting, read on!